
Information Visualization journal article now in Open Access

Our 2016 article on uVSAT in the Information Visualization journal is now available in Open Access from


Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2018), Special Session on Natural Language Processing for Social Media Analysis (NLP4SMA-2018)

The StaViCTA members Andreas Kerren, Carita Paradis and Vasiliki Simaki will co-organize the special session entitled "Natural Language Processing for Social Media Analysis" (NLP4SMA-2018) at SETN 2018.


The exploitation of natural language from social media data is an intriguing task in the fields of text mining and natural language processing (NLP), with plenty of applications in social sciences and social media analytics. In this special session, we call for research papers in the broader field of NLP techniques for social media analysis. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to): sentiment analysis in social media and beyond (e.g. stance identification, sarcasm detection, opinion mining), computational sociolinguistics (e.g., identification of demographic information such as gender, age), and NLP tools for social media mining (e.g., topic modelling for social media data, text categorization and clustering for social media, social media visual analytics).

Organizing Committee

  • Iosif Mporas, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Vasiliki Simaki, Lund University, Sweden
  • Carita Paradis, Lund University, Sweden
  • Andreas Kerren, Linnaeus University, Sweden
  • Michael Paraskevas, CTI Diophantus, Greece

Brexit Blog Corpus available via SND

The Brexit Blog Corpus (BBC), collected by our project members and annotated with ten stance categories, is now available via the Swedish National Data Service (SND) at (DOI: 10.5878/002924)

Paper accepted for the VIS4DH workshop at IEEE VIS '17

Recently, our paper "StanceXplore: Visualization for the Interactive Exploration of Stance in Social Media" has been accepted for the presentation at the IEEE VIS '17 Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH '17), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2017. Rafael M. Martins will present the paper at the workshop. 

The paper can be freely downloaded from here

ACM TiiS article on ALVA

Our journal article titled "Active Learning and Visual Analytics for Stance Classification with ALVA" has been published in the latest issue of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems at

Prof. Du Bois' invited talk on stance at Lund University

Prof. John W. Du Bois from University of California, Santa Barbara will give a talk relevant to the StaViCTA project titled "Prosody, Resonance, Stance: Affective framing and the collaborative construction of categories" at a research seminar of the Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University on September 13, 2017.

Date & time: 2017-09-13, 13:15-15:00

Place: SOL Humanisten H339, Lund University, Lund

Please see attached the abstract of the talk.

Prof. Kerren invited speaker at the University of Arizona

Prof. Andreas Kerren will give a invited talk at the Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, USA, at October 10, 2017.

Title: Visual Analytics of Stance in Social Media
Abstract: This talk will give an overview of the StaViCTA framework project that aims to tackle the challenge of investigating stance (such as attitudes, feelings, perspectives, or judgements) in written human communication. After introducing our definition of stance and  providing visualization showcases on how stance analysis might be used to better understand social media, I will discuss several visual analytics tools that were especially designed to support the development of stance classification. They reach from approaches providing fundamental insights into text data that are necessary for building an appropriate linguistic stance theory to approaches for text data annotation and visualization that facilitate the entire process of training a stance classifier.

CGF Survey Article on Sentiment Visualization

Recently, our survey article The State of the Art in Sentiment Visualization has been accepted for publication in the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) and will be available online soon is already available online in Open Access. The survey comes with an accompanying interactive visual survey tool, called SentimentVis Browser, accessible by following the link:

In addition to this great news, we received an invitation for presenting this survey article at EuroVis 17 held in Barcelona, June 12-16, 2017, within the STARs session ST2.