Project In Visualization and Data Analysis (4DV807)
Instructors |
Dr. Rafael Messias Martins Dr. Kostiantyn Kucher |
Course Examiner |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kerren
Time & Place | Compare here! In general, the lectures, seminars, and tutoring sessions will take place online via Zoom. Additional video materials will be shared via the Moodle course room. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teaching Period | I & II (2021-08-30 till 2022-01-16)
Assessment | A programming project (= planning, project work, and final reports), oral presentations (= seminars), and an oral exam (= final project presentation and individual interview).
Prerequisites | 90 credits in Computer Science (including a degree project at Bachelor level). 10 credits project course on advanced level (e.g. 4DV651, 4DV652 or equivalent). English B/English 6 or the equivalent.
Credits | 10 ECTS
Topic |
Project in Visual Analytics with a given analytical problem and setting
Visual Analytics (VA) systems bring data analysis closer to end-users by effectively combining interactive visualization and complex algorithms, guided by the underlying analytical processes inherent to the data and the application at hand. The course is a project course with a focus on VA with a given analytical problem and setting. The students are expected to work using agile processes in teams and to manage their projects independently. The students will be introduced to VA theoretical aspects and tools, create the conceptual design of the VA project, implement their designs, and present their results. Covered topics are among others: the importance of data and visualization for answering analytical questions, tools and libraries for data analysis and visualization, and evaluation of VA projects. The courses Information Visualization and Advanced Information Visualization and Applications complement this practical project course with a more in-depth view into the theory and state-of-the-art of interactive information visualization and its applications in various domains. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule |
Preliminary Schedule (Lectures and Video Tutorials): Preliminary Schedule (Seminars):
Materials |
Learning Environment: Visualization Tools and Libraries:
No longer in active development (not recommended for assignments):
Interesting URLs:
Tutoring Sessions | Tutoring sessions in this course offering will be conducted by Zeynab (Artemis) Mohseni. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Open Theses | We permanently offer interesting topics for Bachelor's and Master's Theses that are related to Information Visualization and Software Visualization. |